
Event: Local Innovation in Migration Governance. 21 March 2024, Online

Published 2024/02/29

Program and Registration

It is the cities, where protection seekers are welcomed, fostering environments where successful integration thrives. To lay the groundwork for a shared future, cities in all EU member states develop best practices based on their unique expertise and hand in hand with their civil society. These best practices are of significant value on the way to more solidarity in migration governance – and should therefore be widely shared!

Register here for the event "Local Innovation in Migration Governance: Sharing Best Practices in Cities" on 21 March, 13.30 - 15.00 (online)

The event will comprise 5 breakout sessions, in which city officials and partners will present best practices and an exchange on these practices will be facilitated. Please sign up for one of the breakout sessions here (more information about the breakout sessions is provided if you follow this link).

  • “Paving the way into a shared future: Re:Match facilitates municipal and protection seeker participation in distribution decisions"

  • “Supporting refugees through digital streetwork: The Social Media Bridge as part of Berlin’s network for the right to stay”

  • “From the EU to the Civil Society Organisations: Zagreb’s experience with funding integration activities”

  • “Accommodation in context-sensitive asylum centers: Utrecht’s Plan Einstein Overvecht”

  • “Becoming local: Villeurbanne’s citizen card for all city inhabitants”

The event is hosted by the Berlin Governance Platform, representing the EU-funded project Cities4Refugees in cooperation with Moving Cities.

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