Inspiring Approaches
We collected 66 inspiring local approaches which cities have implemented in their politics. Which topic are you interested in?
- Social Rights
- Residence status and security
- Political Participation
- Welcoming and social inclusion
- Housing
- Healthcare
- Advocacy & Networking
- For undocumented migrants
- Labour market
- Counselling and guidance
Potsdam:Transforming discriminatory practices at the immigration office
Residence status and security
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Counselling and guidance
Rottenburg:“Paten” – A voluntary mentoring project
Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
Rottenburg:Neustart im Team” – Private refugee sponsorship
Residence status and security
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Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Utrecht:The rise of “bed, bath & bread” shelters and support during the pandemic
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For undocumented migrants
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Counselling and guidance
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Residence status and security
Berlin:Implementing the EU’s Reception Conditions Directive: identifying those in need
Social Rights
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Counselling and guidance
Swansea:The community reception of new arrivals: the “Welcome to Swansea” mentoring scheme
Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
Valencia:Valencian Programme for the Integral Protection and Reception of Defenders of Human Rights
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Political Participation
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Counselling and guidance
Ghent:Ghent’s Refugee Taskforce
Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
Ghent:Jobteam Gent – Finding a permanent job
Counselling and guidance
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Social Rights
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Labour market
Barcelona:The Nausica programme – a holistic approach to community reception and social inclusion
Social Rights
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Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
Grenoble:Information Guide
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Bern:HEKS MosaiQ advice centre
Counselling and guidance
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Labour market
Halle (Saale):“Welcome Treff” – Support and social interaction for refugees and locals
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Warsaw:The Multi-Cultural Centre
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
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Social Rights
Valencia:“Agermanament Comunitari Valencià” – an example of multilevel and multi-stakeholder cooperation on reception procedures
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Tilburg:Tilburg’s “Language, Orientation and Participation” (TOP) programme
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
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Social Rights
Grenoble:Public participation – Grenoble Solidarity Platform
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Counselling and guidance
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Residence status and security
Halle (Saale):Service Centre for Integration and Democracy
Social Rights
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Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Warsaw:Hotline for migrants and refugees
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Potsdam:The IntegreatApp
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance
Livorno:Multilingual service ‘Oltrefrontiera’
Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
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For undocumented migrants
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Social Rights
Livorno:Women migrant leadership: The Centro Servizi Donne Immigrate Associazione di Promozione Sociale (CeSDI APS)
Counselling and guidance
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Welcoming and social inclusion
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Social Rights