GrenobleInformation Guide
What is inspiring?
Since 1998, the city has produced the guide “Résidents étrangers, comment accéder à vos droits” (Foreign residents, how to access your rights). While many cities have similar guides, Grenoble’s has been constantly updated over the last twenty years, and recently it has adopted the more assertive title “Citoyen(ne)s étranger(e)s, vous avez des droits!” (“Foreign-born citizens, you have rights!”).
Centre Communal d'Action Sociale, CCAS (Community Centre for Social Action)
How does it operate?
The guide is intended to be a legal tool for social workers, volunteers, associations, migrants and asylum seekers. It contains legal and administrative information relevant to the “rights that foreign citizens can access: right of residence, right to asylum, right to private and family life, right to French nationality” together with general rights (work, social protection, family benefits, pension, accommodation, etc.).