ValenciaValencian Programme for the Integral Protection and Reception of Defenders of Human Rights
What is inspiring?
The goal of the Valencian Programme for the Integral Protection and Reception of Defenders of Human Rights (Programa Valencià de Protecció Integral i d’Acolliment de Defensors i Defensores de Drets Humans) is to offer a safe environment for human rights advocates that have fled their country of origin due to their activism and commitment to Human Rights. The programme particularly addresses activists from Latin America working in the field of Indigenous People’s protection, LGTBQI rights, women’s rights and rural community protection.
How does it operate?
For a period of six months, those participating in the programme are provided with support following their arrival, psychological counselling and training. They also participate in the awareness-raising campaigns of public and private institutions, as well as civil society organisations.
What is the outcome?
This project achieves two overarching goals: first, refugees are given the opportunity to describe their experiences to local authorities and to the public. The project has become a powerful awareness-raising mechanism, enabling the local population to become acquainted with the difficult realities faced by people in other parts of the world. Second, refugees participating in the programme become “ambassadors” for the many other refugees and asylum seekers facing the same kinds of situation.
Who initiated the project? How?
The city of Valencia finances the programme while the NGO CEAR-PV manages it in collaboration with a number of NGOs working in the field of human rights and refugees (Atelier Ongd, Cedsala, Colectivo Sur-Cacarica, Entreiguales-Valencia, Entrepobles, Colectiva de mujeres refugiadas, Exiliadas y migradas en españa, Mundubat, perifèries, Intersindical Valenciana and Sodepau).
Related inspiring approaches
Valencia:The “speak out loud against racism” project (“Xarxa Apuja el to contra el racisme”) – Working hand in hand with Valencia’s Education System
Welcoming and social inclusion
Valencia:“Agermanament Comunitari Valencià” – an example of multilevel and multi-stakeholder cooperation on reception procedures
Welcoming and social inclusion
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Counselling and guidance