Inspiring Approaches

LivornoLivorno’s Migrant Council

What is inspiring?

The city government is committed to fostering diverse voices in municipal decision-making. In 2014, Livorno established a permanent consultative body (Consulta delle Comunità dei Cittadini Stranieri) to increase the representation and active participation of migrant and refugee communities in the formulation and implementation of local policies. This model has strengthened the relationship between the municipality and its diverse communities by providing a structured platform for dialogue, and helped the city administration to design informed and needs-based local policies for all citizens.


Consulta delle Comunità dei Cittadini Stranieri

Andrea Raspanti, Councillor for Social Rights, Health and Housing E-mail:

How does it operate?

The Migrant Council is based in the premises of the municipality and serves as a bridge between the foreign communities and the local government. Overall, while the Council primarily functions in an advisory capacity, it provides the migrant community with a platform to voice their concerns and contribute to municipal decisions. The Council offers advisory input on various issues, including the municipal budget (non-binding), policies related to immigration, and other relevant topics upon request from the municipality. It also gathers ideas and suggestions from foreign communities and presents them to the Mayor. Furthermore, the Council recommends members for participation in other municipal committees focused on community involvement.

The Council is structured around the assembly as the primary decision-making body, composed of officially registered representatives from Livorno’s foreign communities. Foreign residents aged 16 and over are invited to participate, promoting engagement from younger generations. Each community can appoint a main representative and an alternate. The president, elected by the assembly, oversees the Council, organises meetings and ensures the assembly's decisions are implemented. The vice president supports the president and steps in when needed. The assembly also elects an executive committee, which works alongside the president to carry out the initiatives. The assembly meets at least three times a year, typically led by the president, though the Mayor may also convene meetings. Each role is held for a three-year term to ensure continuity and engagement.

Who initiated the project? How?

Livorno’s Migrant Council was established in 2014 by the Livorno City Council through Resolution no. 32 as a formal consultative and representative body of migrants, refugee, and diaspora communities, in alignment with the Council of Europe’s Convention regarding the participation of foreigners in public city life. The project’s initiation, with strong backing from the administration and migrant-led communities (including those from Senegal, the Dominican Republic, Albania, Venezuela, and other communities) was part of a larger effort to counter discrimination, promote human rights, and support the inclusion of foreign communities within Livorno’s society.

What is the outcome?

The Council has not only enhanced inclusion but also enriched Livorno’s social fabric by ensuring that diverse perspectives contribute meaningfully to the city’s community and governance. Key achievements include strengthening dialogue between the municipal administration and migrant communities, and actively involving them in municipal decision-making. As a concrete example, the Council has recently been integrated into the Zone Councils, created in 2023 to encourage residents from all neighbourhoods to participate in local decision-making on issues such as urban planning and social services. With Sociolab’s facilitation, these zone councils have been instrumental in decentralising decision-making and making it more participatory. The involvement of Livorno’s Migrant Council in these bodies has led to greater representation of migrant and refugee communities at a very decentralised scale, helping to amplify their voices on local issues that directly impact them.

All inspiring approaches