Inspiring Approaches

ZaragozaZaragoza’s Urban Citizenship Programme

What is inspiring?

Zaragoza’s most comprehensive programme is the “municipal plan for a diverse and intercultural citizenry” (plan municipal para una ciudadanía diversa e intercultural). Scheduled to run for three years (2019 - 2022), it is the successor of the “municipal plan for social integration and intercultural conviviality” (plan municipal de integración social y convivencia intercultural). It is also the institutional arm of the reception programme “Zaragoza, ciudad acogedora” as well as of the anti-racist campaign “migrar es un derecho”.


Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza - Plan municipal para una ciudadanía diversa e intercultural (Zaragoza City Council - Municipal Plan for a Diverse and Intercultural Citizenship)

Who runs the programme?

After the city council approved the plan in March 2019, it built a core group (“grupo motor” / “motor group”) composed of representatives of the “civic platform against racism and xenophobia/SOS racism”, immigrant and Roma associations, the “Casa de las culturas” and other city council employees. Its role is to propose measures for implementing the municipal programme.

How is the programme structured?

Its plan of action covers four areas: reception (e.g. Zaragoza, ciudad acogedora), culture (the creation of cultural diversity programmes), openness (e.g. supporting the “migrar es un derecho” campaign), and participation (implementing inclusive work policies, supporting social housing programmes, etc.). Each area has a dedicated taskforce responsible for formulating goals and setting up programmes.

Who initiated the project? How?

Zaragoza’s city council approved the municipal plan in March 2019 following a two-year participative design and development process. This process involved the city council, the municipality, large NGOs and civil society groups. Once the team had designed a survey method for identifying the different migrant and refugee groups living in the city, it presented the scheme to the city council for approval.

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